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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Look like we got ourselves some catchin' up to do: Le pin du hole

Last year I made me a pinhole-camera (joy!) to try and get down some of the basics of photography (and to get a nice excuse to have a project to work on). Didn't use film, just straight onto photographic paper.

First try out was with an empty can of mashed tomatoes.

Le results:

Only well known problem is that if you make an image your have to take your closed container to wherever you chemicals are and THEN you can't print them.

So I made a large box that could fit 21,6 x 27,9 cm (8.5”x11”) paper and some sort of loading mechanism so I needn't walk back and forth to my Development Lab (=toilet).

And that worked!!!

-insert image cam-

...once (the paperloader kept on creating some kind of vaccuum so the pieces of paper kept clinging together)

At least I got some neat pictures out of it.

(the strange blue tone is due to the out-of-date chemicals that i used)

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